Saturday, October 27, 2012

Crashed plane

Here's another horror story of my nightmare. This time again about airplane crash. It's getting much, getting more frequent. This was really a nightmare about airplane crash, as the previous one that I wrote before in this blog, it's just that that one occurred because of Sukhoi crash (too overwhelmed with the incident's news), while this one was a mix of: 1) too many flight searching during the day time (saw too many airlines' name)
2) watching Sriwijaya Air plane stranded in an alien airport because of poor navigation system (?).  
3) hearing too many jet fighters flew upon the sky in this area.

As a result, I dreamt of me and some friends standing in a place looked like an airport runway, watching for many different planes to land on it. They looked awesome, I could not recall other airlines, only Garuda's blue mascot that I could recall. They landed smoothly. Until one Batavia Air plane came to touch down. But it looked strange. It was just too big, and too fast. And the sound was just too thunder-like. I looked at it with horror. I said to a friend 'No, it would not crash, would it? It's just too fast isn't it?' My friends have not replied yet when we heard that thunder sound, and smokes from where the airplane touched the runway. We said each other, 'It's really a crash!' With pale horrific faces, we ran into near the Batavia Air plane. Grey smokes all around, and we heard sound of siren here and there. People were screaming. I was frozen. 'This is nightmare', I told myself, 'This can't be true'.

And I woke up, perspired. My back was wet wit sweats. Thanks God, it was just a dream. A nightmare.   

Friday, October 26, 2012

I want to know what makes you happy

It's been quite sometimes since I wrote something here. I wrote many other pieces of writing: reports, emails, minutes of meetings, diagrams, charts, structures, blah blah blah, here and there at work. I've almost suffocated I feel like I almost lose my clarity on the most important topic: life itself. 

This morning, a friend posted a question on her Facebook status: "I want to know what makes you happy".   An intriguing question indeed. Some of her friends have put many different interesting ideas like 'to be loved by someone', 'to have everything', 'still breathing', etc.  

I popped in and answered: 'the fact that I'm alive now, and knowing where I'll be heading off afterlife'. Oh well, I know this is not an interesting sentence at all to some people. Too serious I know. But no, I was not joking around. I'm trying to tell the truth. I love to tell the truths because it's true. Call me not creative, but that's exactly the answer I've been thinking about. I cannot think of something else that "I am happy now, while I'm alive, and happy knowing where I'll be heading off afterlife...." 

Friday, October 19, 2012

The seeming unfairness of life

The seeming unfairness of life demands that we keep our eyes on Him and His Word—not on others.
Lord, I admit that my focus at times gets drawn
to others and what they have. Forgive me and
help me to stop grumbling. You are good to me
and provide what I need. Thank You. Amen.
All you need to know to be content is this: God is good.
Our Daily Bread, 18 October 2012
Let this remains a reminder for me, today, that I should not envy what others have. God has HIS own way to show HIS grace and justice.