Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Twenty years on..

Suddenly, I feel so old.

Today, my eldest niece is being graduated from the university. She's about to be 21 years old now. Younger than her peers, because she started her primary school when she's 5 years old.
Her mother was graduated, I think, about 19 or 20 years ago. And I was there, with Mom. Where did I come from? I think from Malang, because Mom was there in Jakarta.

And.. here's another graduation. Twenty years on..


Look, why do I always avoid to write my draft? Tell me about it? What is your problem? Is it just because your brain can't think? Or your mind can't concentrate? If your mind can't concentrate, why? Is it just because you fail to put your concentration in one centre, or you try to avoid problems (which brings more problems indeed)?

1. Sudah buka Word document dan Endnote library
2. Sudah menuju paragraf terakhir
3. Sadar bahwa terakhir berhenti karena stuck dan merasa bodoh.

By not start even with a word, the habit just isn't there. The habit to write, to be productive. Instead, you are just buying your time, waiting for the next deadline and crisis to come, and you are hurry like beasts in the forest fire.