Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Grief is for the livings

Like never before, I have experienced the worst grief in my life.
Days and days my emotion was locked inside a dark cave
There have not been some ray of lights
After 2 weeks, it is still hard to believe
That mother has passed away
In a sudden way as no one predicted

But then the scriptures teach..that:
Grief is for the living, not for the departed
We must pity ourselves
Since we are still alive in this world
Despite anything
And not pity them who have departed
Who have ceased from this world
Because they have gone to a better place
They are happy
They wear new shiny glorious robe
They sing new songs every time
They celebrate every time
(though time as we know -- might not relevant)
In the place where diamonds and golds are junks
Where the sun is not the source of light
Where there are no more nights
Or darkness
Or shades
Where sorrow does no more exist
Where grief is unknown
Where happiness is the currency

Grief is for the livings
And we must bear with it
Until we ourselves are set free from it