Thursday, October 30, 2014

Senses and time and space

It's funny, err, I mean strange, how a sense can bring you to the past, or to exactly a certain spot in time, in space, with people who have ceased to exist.

This drink struck me a chord. Just a glass of hot lemon tea. I catch cold so hot drinks are all I need these days. With lemon or ginger to boost my immunity (or so I believe).

I sipped it. And it was like lightning struck my mind. Yes, I felt it, my mind, not my brain, or maybe the ultra micro cells in my brain I don't know for sure. The mix of sweet and sour reaches a balance that exactly like the first sugary lime drink I ever drank long long time ago, back home. Someone made me, I can't recall, whether it was Mom or my aunt Ros. The first time I tasted the kind of lemon tea drink. The space. The taste. The time. They all traveled back to the past, to that very moment, exactly the very first moment I have ever tasted lemon tea. For some minutes, I was there, in the past, recalling my childhood, the kid me, stood there, receiving the glass of lime drink from either Mom or aunt Ros, sipping it and tasting it with my tongue, activating all the nerves there, feeling the sensation.

That was not deja vu I suppose? I recall I similarly had this experience with smell too. Some certain perfumes which brought me to the past. I will tell you later.