Saturday, October 1, 2016

Mischievous smile of a proletariat in a congested street

Everybody have some kind of violence inside them. Some kind of impure pride. Some kind of mischievous attitude when confronting with someone else's suffering, especially if that someone else has something that he / she resented of.

Looking through the window of a packed public transport, where you don't have even an inch of distance between your body and other passengers'. When you can feel and perhaps transfer the body heat of and to five to six other people whose bodies are squeezed around you. When your body is dampened with sweats and air con can't really fight against the body heat of hundreds. No, it is not an orgy, it is a normal situation in the public transport in most developing countries. When you can't do much but pray and hope that you will be arriving at your destination as fast as possible. Or, do let go of your imagination to wildly wander to places, everywhere else in the world but inside the bus and of the city.

When the circumstance presents you with that moment. That short winning moment of yours. When you stop wandering to other worlds, and stare down outside the window. And your eyes catch the luxurious and big cars outside. The SUVs, the latest sedans, those with dark window glass, nice music, flowery or fruity and pine scent in the car, a driver who will take the owners where ever they want, who is listening to their command or is trapped in his own boredom, waiting to move 2 or 3 meters every 5 to 10 minutes.  

That moment. When you smile your mischievous smile. A smirk with that imbalance movement of your lips. That moment. When you tell yourself, "Haha! Your SUV does not save you, does it? I will arrive first and I will leave you behind enjoying your useless SUV, sorry mate, I'll move forward before you're able to do so".

That moment. When you feel like you win over the rich, the car owners. The moment, when you feel like you're part of the mass. The proletariat club. Public transport users, against private car owners. That moment. That caused you to present your mischievous smile, to smile upon others' suffering. The smile that proves human being character of pride, feeling liberated against the powerful oppressor, feeling good against others' suffering, because "I deserve", because it's been too long "they feel that they deserve, so it is my turn".

Just like Orwell's "Animal Farm". And I would rather quote the Bible "There is nothing new under the Sun". That moment, that feeling, they are not new to us. They'd been there since the onset of human history.