Thursday, March 23, 2017

Evaporated feelings

This is how it ends
It's just gone
The feeling that was intense
Evaporated away just like that
I have seen it coming
Maybe I have been made this way
Endurance in keeping up the feeling is not my diet
One day it was so intense
The next day, it's just gone

Need no philosophical thinking
It is just the way it is
Move on with life
As I always have been and will


Monday, March 13, 2017

Dunno. No more

I dunno
I keep repeating the same mistake
Over, and over, again
2000.2001.2002.2003.2004.2005.2006.2009.2013.2015. 2017
Years added into the equation
Just like digits in calculator
Or some lottery codes
Or whatever
And yet, patterns repeated
Over, and over, again
And this time, again after, sometime in 2003. Oct 2004. {Oct 2009}. Sept 2013. Mar 2015. [May 2016]. Mar 2017.
L*** like this does not come every time, or every year.
Maybe every 4 years, or so
And still
Nothing lasted
Just like everytime
Just like every other time
The one that got away
No more
No more
No more
Risky but might be worth
Accept that it isn't meant to be
If people are able to move on
I am too
Like many times before