Tuesday, November 13, 2018

That Warm November Night

Today perhaps is one of the best days, weather-wise, of the year, in Melbourne. I so love it from the minute I woke up this morning. 

This evening, I dined out with a couple of friends in Pesona Indonesia, an Indonesian restaurant in Victoria  Street, near RMIT in the CBD. It's just few blocks away from Bourke Street, where the terror act by a lone wolf took place last Friday afternoon. It was a sad event that created a stir among the government and Somalian muslim immigrant community here in Australia, and Victoria in particular. But it is another story.

After dining out, I felt like I was too full, so I and Sop decided to walk back to campus, in the hope to ease away our bloatedness feeling in our rice-filled tummies. 

I kept on distracted by news from all over the world today, and I might partially blame it to social media. Started from my friend asking about Istanbul, I downloaded my pictures in Ankara, to upload it to Instagram, then to receiving news about the death of an ex-classmate in K-town, confirming it to my friend Mx in K-town via FB, to commenting about flash flood in my home in K, to answering Ir about that flashflood and how the government and contractor responded to it, to giving my condolence in FB group of my highschool, to entry a reference about Risk Society into my EndNote. Uhm, before that, I panicked in the morning, and contacting CS of PDF Fi***er to cancel my free trial and subscription - which they said OK, to giving it review. Then commenting again in IG, and never ending editing on the four paragraphs that have been there for 2 weeks, and going nowhere. To end the day, I played Trevor Noah's interview with Stephen Colbert about the similarity of Trump and African dictators, a satire that made me chuckle at 11.30 pm on the tram.

Walking home with my new J*L headset and Christmas Piano on YouTube, the world looks different. More peaceful. When everything seems to halt and slow motion. Only me who walks alone down the road. Houses are dark. One or two have their Christmas lights on. Peaceful. O Holy Night is sang on YouTube. I checked on my back, no one walks behind. The sad story about that young girl homicide in Princes Park sends chills to us women when walking alone in the dark.

....fall on your knees..oh hear the angels' voices...oh night..divine..ooh night when Christ was born....

I walk passed the first unit, two Indian men are at the first floor unit in front of the complex, they look like students or young employees in their 20s. One is watching TV from a couch, the other one seems like reading something on the desk. Next unit, an old bald man, a bit overweight, is sitting by himself, watching TV. The world seems frozen and quiet and peaceful.

I was the only one that moves. The observer. The relativity works. The spectator moves. The objects relatively stay intact, motionless. Natural law of physics at work. I think of all these relativity. Of my thesis that's going nowhere. Time to work, really.

Then I arrived home. Finished the song O Holy Night.... until....Ooo night....oo night...divine.... writing this,just to write..let my fingers exercise after doing barely anything today...hufft...