Monday, August 4, 2014

Sparrows, the Messenger

Every time a sparrow perches near my window, I have this odd belief that God is trying to say something to me. To ease my pain. To heal my wound. To convey me a joke. To make me laugh over the satirical life aspects.

This has been at least the third or fourth times, spans over six or seven years. When I was in the middle of a fight against the ‘rulers’, some sparrows landed near my windows and door, and they tweeted.

Other time, they flew to the nearest windows nearby where I was, church or office or school. Just when I was almost desperate about something.

Some other time, a sparrow simply wooft…perched near my window and looked into my eyes. And tweeted.

And this time, just now, one sparrow like fell from the roof, hop on to the water reservoir frame near my window, feeling lost and tweeted, right when I felt like my life is turning into a failure compared to other’s luckier life.

Perhaps, I am not allowed to be ungrateful.

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