Monday, March 26, 2018

Palm Sunday sermon 2018

The sermon today by Rev Steve Lie, at GKI Wahid Hasyim today, Palm Sunday 2018, 25 March 2018.

It's taken from Mark 15: "Pengadilan, keadilan atau kepentingan?" -- "Court, justice or interest?".

The reverend reminds the congregation that full justice cannot be found in this world, as it has never been. It was culminated in the trial of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ himself. So, don't expect it. But do honest anyway, although you know that you'll be losing in trial and court, because that is how the world is and has been. He also illustrated the Ahok case and 212 rally. He reminds that Barabas' name is also Jesus, and it's a good imitation of Jesus the Christ.

And suddenly I remember my late father. These are resonated his last words to me in 2007, so about 10 years and few months ago before he died. When I was in rage, and told him that I was about to go to court for my industrial relation case, he said "Don't think that if you are right, you'll win. No, it's not the case. Good and righteous people lose their case in courts and trials. So, prepare yourself. Because that is not how the world operates".

Also, suddenly I remember this theme occurs repeatedly in our conversations with friends and family. Also with the books that I read, from CS Lewis to Philip Yancey on this theme: justice. Is God a just God, or not? Is He fair in His decisions? Why good people lose and bad people win?

And see how Jesus responded to that unjust trial?:

1. He answered straightforwardly, no more and no less than the truth. 

“Are you the king of the Jews?” asked Pilate. 
“You have said so,” Jesus replied. 

And he said no more. Because it was unecessary. It's the truth, and it's undebatable. The reverend says that all people which qualifications are SH or MH know this too well. They know well that a court IS NOT the place to seek for justice.

2. He prayed for them when He's at the cross.

Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

He still forgive them anyway. No matter how much they mocked Him and accused Him.

So, it means be honest, and do good, anyway. No matter how, because we know, that we have a better hope, after this life, when we're in better land and be the citizen of the Kingdom of God. The suffering in this world, is necessary, but is temporary. Because when our eyes and our hope are anchored in His Kingdom where His rules fully applied, they're all just different.

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