Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The first and second sins on Earth and why they're still relevant to our modern day world

From the Bible, clearly that human being committed sin for the first time because of:

Eve and Adam:
-wanted to live forever like God


Let's look at the advertisement of these modern day world:
-anti aging products
-supplement food this and that [for a longer life]
-the beautiful faces, hair, skin, eyes, limbs, etc, of the advertising models that are put on the magazines, newspapers, banner on the streets, our TV screens, etc. these are faces that make us feel bad, ugly and need more of the products that are sold to improve our self-image and self-esteem.

These are exactly what the industries out there tell us to do: you can increase your age and look young every time; or; something wrong is going on with you, it's curable, -through consuming and applying our products!

Is this mean....the industrialists are selling sins and capitalizing on the desires of a human being?

Am I right? Or am I exaggerating things here?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The best dreams happen when you're awake

Many days I did stupid things. But not so may days I laughed at myself, in a satirical way. You know, when you feel so low you feel anything you do or your existence, does not matter at all to the Earth that spins normally as it always had been, with or without you or your life stories (no matter it's so bad it equals to Greek tragedy). No matter how tragic it is/was,/has been, no matter how much attention and you deserve for all the pains you bear alone. For the wounds you carry that no one really knows how bad it is.  
There is a point in life you just imagining things, have daydreams, just to realize that when you wake up, you find yourself make fun of yourself of having such stupid imagination, that you can't even stop giggle at just recalling it.
Then I remember a quote I read a few days ago:
"The best dreams happen when you're awake".
So true....
So when I awoke, I saw myself, and I laughed, because I found things different as East to the West.
Those, whatever I dreamt of, surely happened when I was asleep, they, for sure are not the best dreams.. , at least according to the quote.
And I'd say ..Amen!

*Let's just say this is my picture when I realized that I just woke up, I found that I needed to laugh, at myself @-@*

Jane Eyre and the reality a stark contrast.
I read Jane Eyre just last night. In about 6 to 8 hours, I finished the 600-something pages novel right away (the Indo translation). I remember the last time I read something that fast was for Pramoedya's tetralogy (which one I quite forget), Da Vinci Code, and a book about Mossad's operation in Middle East somewhere (it's fast paced plot so I was intrigued to complete it). Anyhow, what struck me about Jane Eyre is that this character is so similar to mine, and perhaps, many of my female friends' I reckoned.  We dreamt of being heroine like her, strong in character, independent, free, has dignity. In our time of emancipation, I knew person like her, many, I'd say that include my own, 'though of course, less novel and dignified than her and her character. But a male character like Edward Rochester, or St. John Rivers is not so many in stock today in real life. That's why many women love to read romance stories like this, like any other Austen's stories and ample of those from Victorian's era., because it's like something they can find only in books, in novels, not in reality. That helps them to escape the real life, entering the vague state of dreaming, of personification of characters like this Rochester guy, or Mr. John Thornton in Gaskell's North and South or, eh, of course, Mr. Darcy in Austen's legendary Pride and Prejudice.
pic from:
So my opinion is, if we want to look for characters for model of our novels such as those aforementioned, don't look the models from real life. One will face a shortage of male models I suppose. I reckoned that reality bites, and it hurts sometimes, to me, to my friends. It's just my guess. Raw and unsubstantiated, but of course, I have the rights to tell stupid things, or any non sense in here. I can, can't I? [I'll find the DVD this weekend by the way, to see if it fits the book, because I found North and South's novel is much mesmerizing than the miniseries, too much spices and to much skips of events].

When you supposed to be happy for someone else...

...but you felt hard to.
It's kind of difficult to describe the feeling, it's not envy, but it's not really empathy either..
Since I know that other's happiness should be celebrated, especially if that person's your close friend, I found myself not sincere, and that brings a sort of guilty feeling of not being solider with one's friend.
But why does it's really, actually hard to do it? Especially, when this person's fate, is much different than that of your own.  180 degrees difference.
Is it just me being human?
I mean, let's compare. Errr, not now.
But to be honest, yes, destiny is the biggest separator between us.
Destiny brought in a plate for the other person a large slice of a tasty tiramisu, and brought me what, a small, oily and unshaped corn fritter? They both edible, but in a difference way.
When the other person told about his/her planning [let's say I'd feel safer to avoid gender classification, I'd just use 'they'], I felt like a dagger was just stabbed at my very heart.
It's a sweet story, but it caused me bleeding inside.
From Watatita, the Jakarta Globe.
It's like, they told me something I lack of, or not capable of. Blatantly put the facts (about them, not about me) right in front of my face.
They never thought that it somehow could have hurt me, but the ironic sense of  mine about 'Here I am telling you the story you do not have' of some sort, was just obvious. It's just hurtful.
But it's not their fault at all, it's my own, I must admit.
It's my own fault that I felt that way.
Should I just be happy for him/her? Can I not? And why?

I think, it's me just being a human with faults and mistakes.
It's me, who needs to take some time when hiking a hilly slope before I am able to get used with the altitude and the hilly path.
It's me, just want to take a deep breath and not being suffocated, to clean my lung with fresh air, inhale the pure oxygen of sincerity and spit out the carbon dioxide of envy and jealousy and covert.
I should and I could be happy for someone else, with deep sincerity as I mostly do the rest of my life to others .
Even if it feels like suffocated, I must, cause life must go on.
And if I say I believe in God, then I must act godly, not devilish like this.