Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The best dreams happen when you're awake

Many days I did stupid things. But not so may days I laughed at myself, in a satirical way. You know, when you feel so low you feel anything you do or your existence, does not matter at all to the Earth that spins normally as it always had been, with or without you or your life stories (no matter it's so bad it equals to Greek tragedy). No matter how tragic it is/was,/has been, no matter how much attention and you deserve for all the pains you bear alone. For the wounds you carry that no one really knows how bad it is.  
There is a point in life you just imagining things, have daydreams, just to realize that when you wake up, you find yourself make fun of yourself of having such stupid imagination, that you can't even stop giggle at just recalling it.
Then I remember a quote I read a few days ago:
"The best dreams happen when you're awake".
So true....
So when I awoke, I saw myself, and I laughed, because I found things different as East to the West.
Those, whatever I dreamt of, surely happened when I was asleep, they, for sure are not the best dreams.. , at least according to the quote.
And I'd say ..Amen!

*Let's just say this is my picture when I realized that I just woke up, I found that I needed to laugh, at myself @-@*

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