Saturday, June 20, 2015

I don't dream these days

I don't dream these days, while dreaming used to be the most frequent topic of this blog. Maybe, it is a sign that what I have been facing these days are beyond my capacity to bear, even my id is suppressed.   I cant even recall when was the last time I had one that I could still remember the next day...


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Love, infatuation and broken heartedness..and oh, red wine

Is it even possible for someone to be brokenhearted when such thing called love does not even take place?
Then it is not love, it is rather an infatuation, a short-lived attraction to someone... But when you know it is impossible, and you feel the pain, a smaller dose perhaps, it still hurts like a knife. It is still capable to make you shed a tear..It might still fall under the category of broken heart. You don't want to admit it, but it does you that. What you can do next is to live your life normally before the person arrived in your life. In other word: forget it and to move on. And don't worry, I am quite good in it. More than capable to do so, as I have extensive experience in that. Believe me.. Give me a toast of glasses of red wine.. That will do some healing in the interim.... So raise your glass!

March 16 - a cave of my mind

So, October was the last time I wrote here? That was quite sometime. Been five months since then. Many things happened, life has been good, but it has been bad too at times. But time, time has been more difficult to spare, despite good or bad things that happened. Too many things need my attention, well, they are mostly work, work, work. To write freely like this becomes a sort of luxurious job to do these days.

Now I think I need to write again. I need to ease my mind from the recent life's roller coaster events. My feelings, my soul, my mental, my body, -in that order or not, they have been into too much things. They are exhausted. They need to be vented out. They need to speak up. And that is not through Whatsapp, or Facebook, or LinkedIn, or whatever internet outlets out there, -where hundred thousands people are in there. Where distractions are constant. In short, my mind, wants it here. A solitary cave of its own. Where (hopefully) no one knows or bothered (I always think our ancestors must be truly lived in caves, as every time I think of being in a cave on some stormy nights, I can always relate to that same feeling: safely protected).