Sunday, March 29, 2015

Love, infatuation and broken heartedness..and oh, red wine

Is it even possible for someone to be brokenhearted when such thing called love does not even take place?
Then it is not love, it is rather an infatuation, a short-lived attraction to someone... But when you know it is impossible, and you feel the pain, a smaller dose perhaps, it still hurts like a knife. It is still capable to make you shed a tear..It might still fall under the category of broken heart. You don't want to admit it, but it does you that. What you can do next is to live your life normally before the person arrived in your life. In other word: forget it and to move on. And don't worry, I am quite good in it. More than capable to do so, as I have extensive experience in that. Believe me.. Give me a toast of glasses of red wine.. That will do some healing in the interim.... So raise your glass!

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