Sunday, July 9, 2017

Beautiful morning then tea spilling

This morning is one of the most beautiful mornings I have ever experienced in Melbourne. It is in contrast with the previous day where I saw only dark clouds and dark grey skies. It is as if the skies lose their clouds as they were swept fully by heavy rain last night.

Yesterday was one of the worst days, the opening of winter season. Rain almost all day, dark sky and it was wintry cold. I thought it was snowy too because the snowflakes like shower yesterday, falling lightly light flakes pouring from the sky and caught in the barren trees branches, pretty awesome and beautiful, as almost heavenly I could not stand to share it with someone, no matter how strange it was sounded.

And this morning yes, I came at 10.30 something, bought some fruits in the cheap food store at the tram stop, and got some hot water at the kitchen when I meat J. She looks great and we exchange words for sometimes, oh well, the classic weather small talks, but it was nice always to see some familiar faces around the office, isn't it? Then I made my tea, jasmine tea from Indonesia, Tong Tji I think, a cheap brand back there, but so far inconquered in aroma even from the expensive tea that I see at the super market shelves in here. As someone says sometime ago, we are born and raised with low quality tea, so our taste is pretty different with those that are more familiar with the higher quality tea. 

But the sky, yes, the sky is remarkably blue this morning. So I took out the room frehener that I bought this morning and hooked it near the opened window. It supposed to be .... then I spilled my cup of tea into my laptop. And, so that was the end of my beautiful day.

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