Monday, April 16, 2018

Is r*********p overrated?

Is r*********p overrated?
Simply because I had no experience in this field, is it fair to think that this is not correct, this is not what it supposed to be when people are in r****?
I would say what I think. However is the acceptance from the other side.
He must understand that in this world, there are many people who think differently than him, and it's worth learning.
If the curiousity is there, the interest is there, everyone, sure, can learn.
If not, it's another story.
Begging is not my thing.
I'll say it, and I'll leave it there for the other side to pick up my words.
But no begging whatsoever anymore.
I guess, it's because I made myself aloof from G*d. It's just the result, the hollow in my heart, in my confidence, in my self esteem. And a little bit of loneliness because of a quiet social life.

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