Monday, May 28, 2018

Off for clarity

Let the problem be undermined.

It is not even a problem, by definition, because it is a problem, which might help to show me more clearly, what is it there for me, in a problematic relationship already.

Why, because it is just the right time to clear the doubts, uncertainties, anger, and so on from my mind, -if not from our minds.

So, I don't think I need to overthink about it. It will be my loss if I spend my valuable time by overthinking this issue. This is a non-issue.

Therefore, this time-off should be seen as 'off for clarity'. The function is to clarify so much unclarity things between us. If he is for me, he'll get back no matter what, but if he's not, he'll get away no matter what. There is no use in overthinking about him or future with him or anything.

I'd better live my life one day at a time, thinking about my research, and how to be a better person, a better version of me. How to be more useful for humanity, others and God...and again, reflect and re-view how to make my life better than before, not worse. Projecting how life can be more useful and not to satisfy what others think about.

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