Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Two nightmares in a row

Yesterday, almost the same time, around 6 am in the morning (when I woke up and checked the clock), and this morning, 5.30 am in the morning (when I woke up and checked the clock),

I had nightmares. yesterday, there were 3 people, I could not recall who was the other one, but the other one is p, my friend who passed away last year, around a month from February. he was a nice guy, very kind, but in that nightmare, he turned into a sort of demon, and similarly, his face turned to be like a rubbery face, like a horrific clown, his nose and his head then got bigger and bigger and threatened to harm me, by using his demonic power i.e. to make a statue-like sculptures in the wall in front of me fall into me. The sculptures seemed to start to fall and I screamed, and p laughed, and woke up. I was so tired.

This morning, I had more or less equally horrific nightmare. I met T, my friend in GoR whom I did not see for a while. We talked about helping the poor or something like that, and she showed me the girls she helped, which apparently walked passed us, in a kind of traditional market. She asked how they were doing, they smiled and laughed and showed the bras or clothes that T gave them. One of them looked like B, the png girl who was just giving birth, -I know this from fb because she posted it and just congratulated her yesterday. They said thank you, I think, and T said to me that it's good to help the poor and in need. And after meeting T, I took a cab. While the cab was turning from parking lot, someone showed his face at the rear window glass. He was O, the guy who lived with use at home decades ago. He frightened me like a horrific clown. The cab left, and I was inside it, tried to talk to the driver, who apparently was O's brother, S. He looked exactly like his face that I remember from decades back. He initially talked normally, but then he started to scary me, smiling and laughing like a mentally ill person. He said bad things about my friend, mocked my family etc. I was so afraid because he drove. I told him to stop, but he refused to. He threatened to rape or murder or something bad like that. I screamed and he put a pillow on my face and laughed like a scary clown, so I kept screaming as hard as I could....and I woke up with that pillow on my face, in real life, gasping for breath. I was so tired.   

These nightmares showed a pattern:
- the room is cold, in contrast with under the doona (quite hot)
- I had a headache because of r (a man) in daytime, real life
- I was so tired and found difficulties in the daytime
- these men tried to harm in in a way over another in the dream
- these men are people from the past (one, life has passed away, the other one, childhood)
- the bedroom is cold like in a dark cave
- I prayed but a bit before sleeping
- I sleep on the left side, the right side empty and colder
- I have cold feet before sleeping
- I have cold arms during sleeping (at least when I woke up I could feel it).
- n1: yesterday daytime, I played the song cornerstone, the same song I kept listened in Jtown when p was at the hospital and died -- then P turned in my dream, became the evil power.
-n2: today nighttime, I talked with T about N, who passed away because of tb ---then O and S turned up in my dream, became the evil power.
- the same sleeping time: around 1am. It means, between 4th and 5th hour of sleeping, if it is cold, it's terrible, worst time. I just googled it, and it is called segmented sleep. When people sleep and wake up and continue sleep again, or doing their creative work: writing, drawing, painting, meditative activity etc. I think this was the time mom usually said she woke up and prayed around 3 am at night (if she slept at 10, it is exactly at 3 pm - like this - that woke her up and she used it to pray).

My nightmares, again, are the skewed version of my reality. Negative turns negative. Like a yeasted and fermented reality. Some things from real life are taken and skewed, like a bent reality I may say. And I recognise that cold is always there. Tiredness is always there. So that's the pattern and I think I have to start remembering it so that I need not to repeat them again.