Friday, February 3, 2012

My dream was so cold

I woke up this morning, feeling a bit cold and sneezing and have blocked nose, followed by runny nose. A terrible way to wake up. I guessed I used half roll of tissue this morning and my body was chilled.

Then I realized that I fell asleep last night with the outfits I wore the whole day yesterday. Did not put any blanket, did not change any clothes, just fell asleep with the TV's on. A bad way to sleep, no?

Then I remember something. My dream last night. It was weird. I saw myself standing in the street of a city. It looked like European cities. The skies were grey as usual (all my dreams have grey skies), but last night's was even darker. It was like night time, but pretty well lit. Twilight actually. Kinda indigo color. There were some people too on that street. Their faces, again, as usual, were cold and pale. They looked like Caucasians. Some of them, were old, have wrinkles on their faces. And then (I was almost sure that I heard vaguely, sound of music, like soft clink of piano, very soft on the background), the soft frosty pieces of snow fell...very slow...and touched the soil and formed white mounds slowly. I saw them with awe. "Snow! Snow?", I whispered, half surprised, half nervous. Why snow in this place? I thought. It was an absurd question actually, since I did not even know where it was, and why I was there with all the strangers. Actually, it looked like the people were not real. I felt like I was watching or reading them. They seemed to be from different reality. I have odd, mixed feelings about me being there. About the sensation I have when I touched and grasped the snow in my palms. When I crunched the snow and felt the cold. "Is it climate change? Or is it a dream?" I asked.

Right after that, I sneezed.

Then I found out that it was the latter. Because I started to feel that my blouse was too tight. Then I saw the folded sleeves. My memory's back. This was the blouse I wore to the office today. And I looked down, the A line blue jeans skirt's there. I was still wearing it. My eyes were quite sore and dry. My nose was in trouble. I got up and started to get prepared to go to work.

Now, when I type this post, that I got the awareness: that the snowy dream was merely a result of me reading the news in Kompas about bad winter that hits Eastern Europe, and caused homeless people and old people died. I recall the picture that shows people slept under a bridge in one of the Eastern Europe countries I could not recall, when the mercury plunged down to minus 23 Celcius. I can recall the streetlights in the picture.

They were the people in my dream. The city was the city in my dream. The snow, was the snow on my dream. That news reflected in my under conscience.

So now I know why my dream was so cold.

PS: I took this pic from Google of course. Not sure if this represents the story of my dream, since it looks a bit like rural than urban setting. But who knows, it could be a city park. I will never know.


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