Saturday, February 4, 2012

A procrastinate morning with Coldplay

This Saturday morning I woke up at 9am, simply because I felt my stomach kicked. Yes, hungry. If not, I probably kept sleeping until 10am or so. The setting was perfect outside. Gloomy. Cool air. Quiet.

With a strong motivation to work on my proposal and module this weekend, I found it difficult, still, to drag my body to wash and brush my teeth. Uh oh..working working, ganbatte! Til I found out that I've got a bag full of dirty clothes that should have been sent to laundry last Thursday (I put them on a bag already, not in the basket anymore). It stood close to my door, so close it was hard to avoid seeing it every time I go to bathroom.

Sun rays emerged from the transparent corrugated roof in front of my room. And just like a heavenly light, the light pointed out at everything I did not really notice before. How dusty my shoes rack was. Then I opened the door and realized that the room was also in need of some serious cleaning. I meant, look, the Christmas tree's still there, books were everywhere, cosmetics were scattered.How come I work in such a dirty, disorganized room? So after having my quick brekkie, I worked and cleaned all, like a mad man. Sweeping, mopping, dusting, brushing, spraying room air deodorizer with flowery scent (not my type of scent indeed, but I was gonna trying new thing when I purchased it). 

After all this hard 'work', I tried to strengthen my poor back and legs by laying down a bit in the clean room. I saw the latest edition of The Economist that I brought the other day and read it. The sun submerged in the clouds, I think, cause it started to gloom once more. Hmm..hmmh..what a nice weekend. Good sleep, good reading, good loud music (I played Coldplay's latest songs - Every tear is a waterfall, Charlie Brown, Mylo Xyloto etc), in short, a good laid back and doing nothing weekend. Probably would be good to write it on my blog.

Jumping up, unfinishing the Economist's article on China's economy. I started to type this blog. And guess what, it's almost 12 o'clock, noon time already. And I did not, have not, at all, touch the subject of the proposal and module I intended to do since yesterday. 

So I guess, this is what people describe as PROCRASTINATION. It is such a way to delay, postpone, any efforts one can do to avoid work and finish a task. Yep, that's exactly what I did this morning, procrastinate.

And Chris Martin's nice crisp voice is still loud, still as sexy as he always does, as long as I can recall from watching his Viva La Vida Concert back in Melbourne 3 years ago. 

Still I haven't started working on my tasks.. I dunno how to bring the work ethos back. I'll find it out later. I will. I promise.

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