Friday, March 9, 2012

New hairdo

OK here's the story.
Last month I went to a beauty salon, impulsively. Just got in without a plan, feeling that my hair was too long.
I asked them to cut it short.
But, ooh, it was a bit too short.
Then I left it thinking I was gonna be all right.
Every morning and every time I was in a windy environment, my hair was so worryingly 'unregulated'
Then one day I thought, 'That's too much, I gotta solve this crazy hair problem'.
So I once again visited the salon, and asked them to smoothing it.
I know that smoothing would not make my hair too straight like straw, or like Korean celebrities.
But alas, after the long, tiring process, I looked at it, and voila!
My hair now looked like...bunch of straw! And like Korean artists wannabe!
So I gotta fixed it every morning, still.
Again facing a problem, just a different one: now I gotta roll them every morning, or they will look so straight that it looks like my head was just being ironed.
Risky step risky outcome.
But though, I tend to look for a bright side of every single event in life.
This one is not an exception.
Soo, what did I do?
Experiment with the straightened hair style.
Ha ha ha

*The pic here was taken almost a week after the 'smoothing' :)

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