Friday, July 9, 2010

Window of the world

Three generations before me, my ancestors perhaps did not know that there is a world beyond their small tiny island. Two generations before me, they started to be able to read and knew that there were some lives as well beyond their small island. With the opening of schools, my grandfather started to acknowledge that the world is so broad and that it is possible to travel to, and there were some great people outside his small world. He started to travel outside the island, to serve as a teacher in other island. My father and his brothers were sent outside the island, to pursue their higher degree. Back then, he realised that his children including the girls must have the opportunity to be educated at whatever cost possible. Learning from his sisters who had not gotten the opportunity as good as his, all of his daughters enjoy the same level of education as the sons. Now I enjoy living abroad to study, as my brother did, as my other brother will. Other siblings have also been lived or travelled abroad quite extensive. Something my grandfather and grandmother might have just dreamed about! Therefore I may say, education is indeed, the window of the world!

Caption: window of Irene's room, at Dorothy Impey Nursing Home, Pascoe Vale.

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