Sunday, November 27, 2011


Adventus week has just started today.
It means:
Get ready.
With respect.
For the coming of the Son of Man.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First writing - 2011

I'm back.
Back to my home country.
Back to my hometown.
Back to my blog.
In fact, this is my first attempt to fill this blog again, after, oh, after almost a year (to be exact: 10 months plus so and so days, -will come back later with the detail :).

Oh, ye, hear that, what kind of song that I can vaguely hear from here? Yeah, it's the late Nike Ardilla, Bintang something. Then you know that I'm somewhere in that faraway land from the centre of change in this country. The song from almost twenty years back,which people still love (because of lack of access to newest and latest information? Or simply just because they love the oldies?).

I kinda don't know what to write, too much things squeezed on my mind since then. Much more reflections and less time to write.

NOTE: this post supposed to be uploaded some time in October 2011, but I guess because of internet disconnection, it was stopped in the middle and became a draft, that I happened to find out just now. I put this note and will upload it soon.

Visual person

I have an inability to stay too long with narrow screen. I love computers, but typing in computer sometimes can block some brilliant ideas ('though it's pretty seldom that I have brilliant ideas :). At least twice in in my life I heard that ideas in our brain must be released through our hands, into papers, or card boards, or other media, if possible with colors. Yes, I think I work better with visual. Visual type of person.

Electric Youth!

I heard these lyrics on the radio just now:

Electric youth
Feel the power, you see the energy
Comin' up
Coming on strong
The future only belongs
To the future itself/in the hands of itself
And the future is
Electric youth
It's true you can't fight it
Live by it
The next generation...

It's electric..

It's Debbie Gibson! The pop star of my teenager time! Gosh, it's been ages ago since the last time I heard her name. It was in SMP time. She's so popular and then no more. I mean, never heard of her anymore after the songs like Love is Blind, this one, Lost in Your Eyes and some other I forgot. Where is she now? 

Wintry days

Typical winter days:
*wake up late
*frequent checking of weather forecast
*layers of clothes
*voice of crows
*black fashions
*hard to get vitamin D from the sun
*electricity bill is skyrocketed
*fewer water-related activities

1) this used to be a draft of something I was going to write in 2010 or so, when I was in Melbourne. But then because of one thing after another, I forgot that it's still kept in the draft section, therefore I just post it now, today, in tropical Indonesia where winter does not exist.

2) The picture here, has nothing to do with winter in Melbourne anyway. It was the pic I took in London up from the London Eye, back in 2006, in autumn instead. But the raindrops effect on the glass creates the 'wintry' effect or so I guess.

Ghost stories in Indonesia are the equivalent of weather small talks in the four seasons countries

These last 3 months have been busy months with the many visits from friends and family members from outside town. Mom, my brother, in law and daughter, brother in law, my sister and some friends from Bdg, Kpg and I forgot where else.

When we ran out of conversations, what do you think is the neutral 'everybody knows and experienced it at least once in their life' kind of topic? Yes, guess you know, it's ghost stories. It's everywhere in country, different styles, similar styles, plethora of them scattered in almost the entire corners of the country. Everybody at least have experienced it once. At least. Meaning, more often they experienced more than once, some have even experienced it daily! Alias, indigo. They smell it, feel it, see it, talk to it, scared to it, dare to yell to it, and only god knows what else. But you know, I have to say that it is interesting because this is a neutral topic. It is not too personal, not too specific. Pretty general, can create a good smooth conversation (yes, you have some agree, some do not agree, some believe, some do not believe, some experienced a little encounter, some embrace the whole encounter -talking with 'them', for god's sake!). A very good stimulation and good ingredients for a good conversation, right? So I'd say, the Indonesian ghost stories must be conserved, or preserved as national heritage. If Westerners have their weather small talk, we have the ghost small-to-big talk! A topic I guarantee will attract people to join and keep the conversation pretty long, will not offend anyone.