Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wintry days

Typical winter days:
*wake up late
*frequent checking of weather forecast
*layers of clothes
*voice of crows
*black fashions
*hard to get vitamin D from the sun
*electricity bill is skyrocketed
*fewer water-related activities

1) this used to be a draft of something I was going to write in 2010 or so, when I was in Melbourne. But then because of one thing after another, I forgot that it's still kept in the draft section, therefore I just post it now, today, in tropical Indonesia where winter does not exist.

2) The picture here, has nothing to do with winter in Melbourne anyway. It was the pic I took in London up from the London Eye, back in 2006, in autumn instead. But the raindrops effect on the glass creates the 'wintry' effect or so I guess.

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