Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First writing - 2011

I'm back.
Back to my home country.
Back to my hometown.
Back to my blog.
In fact, this is my first attempt to fill this blog again, after, oh, after almost a year (to be exact: 10 months plus so and so days, -will come back later with the detail :).

Oh, ye, hear that, what kind of song that I can vaguely hear from here? Yeah, it's the late Nike Ardilla, Bintang something. Then you know that I'm somewhere in that faraway land from the centre of change in this country. The song from almost twenty years back,which people still love (because of lack of access to newest and latest information? Or simply just because they love the oldies?).

I kinda don't know what to write, too much things squeezed on my mind since then. Much more reflections and less time to write.

NOTE: this post supposed to be uploaded some time in October 2011, but I guess because of internet disconnection, it was stopped in the middle and became a draft, that I happened to find out just now. I put this note and will upload it soon.

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