Saturday, March 17, 2012

One fine Saturday morning, just news excerpts

Really, I have not much things to write down now, so let's see, I probably would only summarize what I read recently. Only those 10 first news I can recall right now.
1: Ravi hatred case in New Jersey (from NYT)
2: Afghanistan mass killing by US soldier
3: Afghanistan killing due to Koran burning
4: Israel vs Iran vs US nuclear dispute
5: The Sun Storm
6: Gubernur election DKI
7: Demo BBM
8: Infotainment
9: PSSI dispute
10: Anti pornography task force established by SBY, another stupidity

Sooo..since the world is still running out there with its hush and rush, -oh, beside the two serious threats to our life in this planet: nuclear and the sun explosion.
Really, other than that, let's just do what we have to do. Have a nice weekend!

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