Sunday, March 4, 2012

Roxette Concert 03 March 2012

Too stuffy, the concert last night was for me. Too stuffy with old memories. I knew Roxette since Kupang time, SMP time, when I was a teenager, long long time ago, in that far far away island. When bemos were still way too loud. The speaker could deafen one's ears. But we loved it that way. The louder the better. Then when I moved to Java. The songs accompanied me in my days and nights when I lost inspiration to draw the architectural assignments. When I found ideas. When I did my activities with the accompaniment of my old Sony radio-tape recorder (my most valuable electronic equipment those university days). When I fell in love. When I was brokenhearted. The lyrics could cut my heart, bloody painful. When I was stressed and needed to scream in my work life back in Sby. Almost every moment in my life, they covered it (or at least, one of their song could be the background sound track :). I told my friends: I did not just buy the ticket. I bought my memories too, that I owed, or shared with Marie and Per (without them knowing, of course). The ticket was worth the old, bittersweet, memories.

It must have been love. This is the soundtrack of the movie 'Pretty Woman'. I watched it in KT - Kupang Theatre, in 1990-something. Over 20 years ago. I don't think I was already 17 those days, but I was allowed to enter because I was in group (either with my sisters or my school friends).

Listen to your heart. It's one of the first English song lyrics that I remembered by heart. I recall the very old days, I and my sister would sit closer to the radio, listened carefully to the local radio, Rhamagong FM, to broadcast its 'Lirik Lagu - Song Lyrics' program, a weekly program where the broadcaster read, pronounced the lyrics of the popular songs of the weeks. There were a lot of 'cover version' cassettes, and I learned about the word "notion" the first time was when I jotted down the lyrics, to distinguish the spelling with the cover version's cassettes' text: I've got an ocean - the right one is: I get a notion. I remember the broadcaster emphasized this phrase, and I seriously put attention on the diffrence.  

Crash boom bang. "Every time I seemed to fall in love, crash boom bang. That's my real little name". Etc. Could not have been agreed more with the lyrics. So familiar with my own life. In addition, I clearly remember the video clip : white stairs with someone dressed like a little angel in a colorful background. MTV aired this clip quite often those days.

Fading like a flower. This song was used as our 'theme song' during our days in Architecture, when we were attempting to escape from the killer lecturer (who gave almost the entire class the mark 'D'). I and my gang, especially with Dina, made a very funny joke or 'plesetan' on this song, "Every time I see you oh I try to hide away, but when we meet it seems I can't let go...", interpreted as: every time we saw the lecturer, we tried to hide, but when we were with him (during the consultation), we could not really let go (alias: we were trapped:). Ooh..those silly old days...

Spending  my time. When I asked myself too, as Marie sang...'what's the time? seemed it's already morning (and I have yet to find ideas and inspiration for my drawing assignments that should be submitted that very morning too... :s).

Anyone. Nothing can describe the feeling I felt those days but this song. And the video clip as well. Gloomy, depressive. "Any one who have a love close to this, knows what I'm saying. ..but everything more or less appears so meaningless, blue and cold..walking alone in the afternoon traffic, I miss you so.."

So far away. You're so far never said goodbye..etc. Those sad, gloomy days again I could imagine, crystal clear in my mind. (refer to the previous blog post).

I wish I could fly. Subsequent to you're so far away, I wish I could fly out of the blue, over this town, following you..those days again. Over the roof tops great boulevard, to try to find out, who you really are..who you really are....

And many, many more of their lyrics that I could connect to the memories of my life. Since their golden days were 20 something years ago, I could only conclude one thing: that I'm getting older too. That my life, could have been written in a mellow style as their songs expressed, the Scandinavian style of coping with sadness, lost and broken heart: writing it..singing it...and let it gone by time.


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