Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Creativity - Muse - Inspiration

It is the urge to creating something out of nothing. I suspect that feeling comes to us, I mean, we have it, because we're not just merely 'stardust', but we were created from the 'image of God', or Imago Dei. We may call it creativity, artist's call, muse, inspiration, or any other identical vocabs I might not be able to mention all here. 

I once, or twice, or thrice or sometimes, struck by the symptoms of, whichever you want to call it, creativity, muse, inspiration. Sometimes, at the right moments, many times, at the wrong ones. But if I should describe the feeling, I'd like to describe it this way:

  • It's the ticklish feeling on the tip of your fingers when you are sitting in front of piano with your hands  beneath the 88 black and white keys, and your mind starts wandering with new notes and chords combination that you've never heard before; waiting for you to tap your fingers on the keys, to translate what your mind keeps whispering on and on in your head.
  • It's the joyful euphoria in your head when you think of a certain combination of colors and shapes, bright and shades, lines and  curves, rounds and rectangles, lights and shadows..dancing around, and you feel like you want to catch them, capture them, put them on a sheet of paper (or canvas if applicable:) with pen, brush, pencil..anything.. You just want them turning from unleashed wild unclear objects to a steady, static picture that you can pin into a 2-dimensional form, forever (or at least until that sheet of paper damaged).
  • It's the disorganized words horde in your mind..alphabets, words, ideas juggling in your mind, painfully waiting to be spread out from there..into a sheet of paper, into computer screen, just to provide some spare  spaces on your poor crowded brain cells and tissues factory. Just for you and others to be able to look back at them, I mean, read them, in those mediums, and not to let them back and evaporate into the micro cells in your brain.

It's this, the urge to write about this topic, while you are working on so many deadlines. Yeah, I think I did the blasphemy to the glorious word called 'creativity', I degraded the meaning, I lower it now it is as low as the meaning of procrastination.

That, my friend, is another story... ;)

pic taken from: http://binauralbrains.com/creativity-binaural-beats/ 

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