Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mid rainy season day dream

"I don't feel that it is necessary to know exactly what I am. The main interest in life and work is to become someone else that you were not in the beginning.” -Michel Foucault

..and that sentence describes well what DREAM is: the situation that you were not but you would love to. In other words: the gap between reality and what you wish for. Like, for instance, people who grew up in small tropical village, who dream of leaving their village, travelling all over the world to see more landscapes and towns, mountains, oceans, seas, embrace strange and faraway lands, to meet strangers and learn their habits and feel the nervousness and uneasiness of encountering strangers in their inhale and exhale the subtle, different aroma of the air in their strange lands: different woods, fragrance, grass, feel the chill of the southern and northern four-seasons country's wind penetrate one's flesh and bones. To feel free. To have the freedom of movement. Where no one stares at you from head to toe, just simply because you look different from anyone else

*I suddenly wrote this because I was so aggravated yesterday being asked by a male stranger whom I was pretty sure has bad intention when he said 'Hi, where do you want to go' with the misogynist villain look,  I wished I have slapped him right away. Then I suddenly remember that in this society, most people are curious of what and who you are, whether you are married, alone, single, have money, good looking, ugly, have children..or not. Like they can't sleep if they don't find it out. Unfortunately, that curiosity stops at finding something about someone else, not about anything else -which might push them to become researcher..instead, they ended up becoming bunch of pathetic grumbler. Everyday I tell myself that I can cope with it. I sometimes lie. I can't cope every time. Most of the time I wanna punch them, right in their pathetic faces. And then flying somewhere else. Mountains, seas, hills, towns, paved streets....anywhere else but here.. 

Then I find this quote:

“The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing.” 
― Oscar WildeThe Soul of Man Under Socialism, and Selected Critical Prose

Do Agree, Mr. Wilde.

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