Wednesday, May 14, 2014

[Don't] Follow Your Dream

In English, no, no subtitles. People talk in English. I do too there.

I saw kids uprooted and sold mushrooms from a forest. In a small village nearby green pasture. They are Caucasian kids with golden hair. They said, "no they're not poisonous, ma'am", persuading me to purchase some bunches of the fresh things [this is the effect of watching Tom Sawyer].

Then I was there in a feast at a house. Of my own. I went out with a guy, older than me, a senior position, like an elder of a family. He was Hugh Grant [this is the effect of watching Final Cuts the Hungarian movie, when Hugh Grant is there]. Gosh. We chatted in a car, we laid down. And he started to g**** me. Caress my b***** and touched my n****** [this is also the effect of watching Final Cuts, the steamy scene in the movie]. I hesitated and said, "but this isn't allowed, is it?" And he said it was OK, nothing's wrong with this. We talked in English [this is definitely because I watched too many movies in the European on Screen].

Then I was having coffee with J. He and his innocent smile I had been dreamed about for quite some time. We sat in a round table with squared tablecloth. Green or red I can't recall well. He held my hand and smiled. It was so warm I can feel it now. His smile reminds me of an innocent child [this is the effect of exchanging email with him].

This is the proof that my dream always follow this pattern: an unclear mosaic of things I experience, or hear, or see, or think or watch or talk or write or meet, during the day.

I would have to make a journal of my dreams. Did write some already here in the blog but perhaps it must be more regular. Then it will prove my thesis that my dreams are merely the repetition of events. Meaningless. And an attempt to interpret my dreams, -is a waste of time and energy. I knew this already, though.

The quote that says 'follow your dream', I buy it not. Because in my life, I don't follow my dream. I follow my imagination. I try to make my imagination real. Not dream. Because my dreams are mostly about the past. But my imaginations are about the future. 

•5 May 2014

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