Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Life, a fast forwarded movie scene

Life moves so fast like a fast forwarded scene. Within a year I reckon there have been so many changes in my life and others. Last year, Mom was still alive. I was in stupid relationship. There were at least 3 or four people I know were singles back then, get married this year. Friends give births. Some deaths of friends. They were young and full of life. People move abroad, meet love of their life and settled down and buying house and raise a family. Some other move due to work. Some got scholarship and move abroad. Odd things happened. Interesting things happened. Tears went down for the loved ones who passed away. For the mixed feelings, sorrow, yet happiness for the faithful people: for the deceased had moved to her eternal home. The home of home. The home of soul. Where tears are no more. Where everything we perceive, maybe, are irrelevant. The knowledge, the feelings, the emptiness, the longing. That something unsolved. They are no more exist.

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