Saturday, September 17, 2016

A citrus egg

I just aware that for all these times, language and structure have been depressed us with their limitation, and structure.

Citrus and egg, normally don't go together.

But today, after washing the egg I wanted to boil with soap, I didn't like the smell. Soapy apple smell egg, what an odd. So I chopped the tangerine peels and touched to the egg. The egg smelled like a tangerine. A weird couple.

But then I thought: Why should I called them weird? Just because egg doesn't go well with tangerine, or orange, or citrus like fruits or smell, it doesn't mean they can't go together. They might. And it is allowed.

Then I realized. This is because the norm and the structure don't allow them to be paired. But there is nothing wrong about it. I think I like the boiled egg even more.

So maybe.. it's an idea. Who knows, a new innovative egg with fruity tastes? Or fruity scent egg? Maybe....

Image result for citrus  Image result for egg

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