Sunday, February 5, 2012



I love the sound of piano, very much.
I wish I could play piano properly, very much.
If someone plays piano very good, I multiply my like factor with 10 and reduce my dislike to 1/10.
I admire those who play piano well, very much. 
I have a dream, to play classic piano, will it come true in my life time?
If not, maybe in heaven, one day.

I suddenly remember someone who plays piano very well.
Who composed his own compositions, and sent some for me in a CD to enjoy.
He plays jazz, he plays classic.
He experiments and exercises his skills.
He's very good in photography too.
So he combined scenic pictures and piano composition.
That struck me in a chord. 
He's too good to be true.
He's half unreal.
Over time, he's hundred percent unreal.

I remember a neighbor, a friend who was sent for a piano class when we were kids.
I envied her, I just could see her, willingly but not brave enough to ask my parents to enroll me too, afraid that they could not afford it.
I bit my fingers, I desired it so much. 
All I could do the years after, was to attend choir, for choir is to me, a bit closer with musical instruments, to organ, to keyboard, to piano, at last.

Almost thirty something years later.
I went abroad, I met a friend who happened to be a pianist.
She was going to sell her old digital upright piano.
Very cheap, 200 bucks only. I even forgot the brand.
With a promise that she would teach me in addition to me learning from book autodidact.
So there I was, having my own piano (though digital and pretty cheap)
Still it is a piano!
Half of my dream came true that day.


To date, I am able to play some simple compositions, and at least to read the notes.
I have been at Lesson 12: chord inversion, but then I moved and left my piano home.
When I was at home last Christmas, I played till my fingers sore, till midnight fell. 
Felt nothing but full of eagerness, full with longing to touch the keys and to listen to the crisp sound.
My temporary aim is to play Canon in D's Pachelbel
To date, I am able to play it (a not so good guessing around), but in C yet.
I played one third part of it actually, learning from Youtube.
One day, with a home on my own, with a piano of my own, I'll play it.
After that, I'll learn how to play Bach's Jesus, Joy of Man's Desire
And you will know that I play it too..the song you introduced me to several years ago.
One day you'll know
That I play but for another reason.
Which does not include you in it.

*Pic taken from Max Leger website (see the printed caption)

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