Sunday, August 7, 2016

The day I saw a school of dolphins

It was one of the days when I joined the 4D-3N tour group to Seram and Ambon, May 2016. It was an amazing experience. One fine morning, we took a boat to our snorkeling spot in Pulau Tujuh or Seven Island. The tour guide said we needed to embark early in the morning, while the wave was still and the wind was checked. It took about 45 minutes if I am not mistaken, to arrive at the crystal clear and turquoise beach. but on our way there, while we started to bore on the boat, suddenly the boatmen turned around the boat and turned to the left hand side of the island - it was supposed to be the right hand side. apparently he was following a school of dolphins! It was so breathtaking! Every one of us in the group almost lose our mind. We took pictures like crazy. Cameras shutters sound and clicks were heard all around. All in all, it was a very nice morning..      

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