Saturday, June 5, 2010

An apple a day keeps the doctor away..two?

I like apples. There have been some times when I didn't like it, but in the place where a huge variety of apples can be found in the market like here, I always find my way to find the right ones.

When I came here, I liked Granny Smith, the type that I loved to eat back in Indonesia (which, I hate to say, are imported). That's two or three years ago, but before that, I like Malang apple (thanks God I spent that many years to study in Malang, the most prominent apple producer in country!). I think it's called Rome Beauty? I love that and the green one too, is the name Malang Apple?

After only buying Granny Smith for years, I diverted to Pink Lady last year, er, no, one and a half year ago if I'm not mistaken. Until one day, I felt that it was too sour to eat during winter, when I often found my stomach too gassy and upset. So accidentally, one day, I grabbed Pink Lady (I've never liked the Red Delicious one, they are too red for me, and because they're always called Washington Apple back in Indonesia, I just don't like it, I think they're too sweet as fruits -the principle of fruit for me is that they're not just sweet -they're suppose to be a bit sour taste to make them fresh. But let's just say it's an anti-American sentiment, -though, inconsistently I like to buy Granny Smith that are imported America, and American cherry because they sell them here in Australia when it's winter and it's not possible to find fresh ones). I then fell for Pink Lady. They became the only type of apple that I looked for when I did my grocery shopping.

Until just recently, few months ago, I, in one occasion, found Fuji Apple interesting and have a perfect blend of sweet and sour. They're not as pretty as Pink Lady (which the name already implied), but the taste is nice. Another sentiment I suppose, because on that occassion, I experienced "memetik" the apple from the very three by myself, it was an above average big apple (not NY:p) in the backyard of a friend's house. The taste was soooo goood and so crunchy. I ended up eating just small amount of food during the dinner that night 'cause I ate the whole apple in the afternoon.

Today I ate two apples and one orange. I guess I will keep two or three doctors away from me...or possibly I will keep a doctor away two or three times that gramatically correct?

PS: Even my current mobile phone wall is the picture of a Fuji apple that I took just minutes before it ended up in my mouth.

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