Monday, June 14, 2010

Two weddings I wouldn't be able to attend

I have just received 2 wedding announcements in 10 minutes :). It's quite a record. When an old friend of mine popped up in YM window and I chatted with her about the good news, I received an email in Gmail, an e-invitation for another wedding in Malang. Both were my colleagues back in my undergraduate time. The first one is my ex house mate, one year older than me. I recalled attending her first wedding in Semarang, but two years later her husband passed away because of cancer. Now she's going to remarry again. I was happy for her for the good news. That means her son will have a new father, which is great in my opinion. It must have been hard to raise a kid alone all these times. The second is one year younger than me. I knew for sure he's been waiting for this moment quite long. He used to often talk about this topic back then. I hope he's happy now that he's found the right one. Unfortunately I can attend neither of the weddings, though I wouuld love to go, they could be reunions. The dates are in end of June and early July. I'll still be here by then. Anyhow, I wish both of them a very happy wedding. Be blessed forever my friends!

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