Tuesday, June 8, 2010

From the window pane

From height again, elevation again.
This time it's from Giblin 2nd floor.
I can see the nice sights down there.
I took the picture with my mobile phone camera,
right when the sun appeared slightly
and the leaves radiate their yellowish shine
they're the last of this season
before chilly winter forces them to get off the trees
and now the sun disappear again
for 5 minutes and then shines again
oh weather oh weather
oh Melbourne famous weather
here i am with the blank screen
the cursor blinks
type nothing over an hour
all I got is this blog post
and these beautiful 2MP poor quality pictures
....the hours were spent just like that..
people walked down the Professor's walk
when do I walk and not to think about these chapters again?
soon, my mind says, soon..
these days will be over
soon, my mind says, soon...

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