Tuesday, October 4, 2011

First is number 10

Yeah, my first blog post post-Melbourne time is on October 4, 2011 (month number 10 of a year). What a long break! "Where have I been?", I am asking myself the rhetoric question. I don't know, it's probably just the laziness on my part, but to write well I need a combination of quietness, cold weather, beautiful, picturesque view, -a bit of elevation perhaps (to create a sense of perspective, distancing myself from others), -based on my experience in Melbourne.

Ah, I'm exaggerating here. I've been pretty productive with my FS blog, remember? Where have I been when I wrote those things? In Makassar. In Jakarta. In Kupang (I did start writing there, yeah, hot weather, lots of mosquitoes, not quiet at all I reckon, -in one of those new years' eve, I forget the detail). Perhaps it's the combination of poor internet connection, deficit of ideas on my side, a way too much distractions from so many people being around, and so on. Maybe I am just looking for excuses.

Well, again, I don't really know what should I write. But I know WHY I write now. Because I, again, am facing this stuck of ideas to write my ToR (darn, ToR, stuck? that is soooo pathetic dude, we're not talking about academic paper or article or anything, it's a T-O-R, for god shake!). This signifies the urgency of this problem. Of the deficit of ideas. I don't know. I don't really know. Maybe I'm just too tired. 4 days and nights in a row, working all day and night (till midnight, pretty non stop meetings and discussions), have made my mind dull. I wish, this stuck -ing will be over sooner than later. Coz the deadline is on the way. Tomorrow it is.

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