Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Forever young, so long dear cousin!

That day I slept at 3am. 25th of July? I came back from watching Java Rockin' Land that night. Ed Kowayczky, Neon something, Godbless, Power Slaves, with the main attraction was Cranberries (yeah, they're cool!). I felt good, although it was dusty and crowded in Ancol where the concert took place.

I got the cab back after some friends dropped me in front of the taxi line near a hotel in Salemba at 2.30am. Brushing my teeth, washing my feet, I did sleep a little while.

Then at 4.30 my mobile rang. My sister in law called me and said that my cousin died in an accident. He fell from his motor bike, hitting a tree and died right away, even before he reached the hospital. Perhaps from heart attack. For god shake, he's just 35 in April! The picture of his face kept coming to my mind after my sister in law closed the conversation. She was almost crying, as I did too. I blinked my eyes, trying to get sleep again, but I couldn't. "Oh well, perhaps it was the wrong person she was talking about", I calmed myself. I sent text to my brother in Holland. He verified it. He was almost crying too. He said, "No more T in this world that we know. His life was quite miserable, sorrows came and gone, and it's all over now. The history of T ended today", he sobbed. I felt my nose blocked. Couldn't stop the tears down from my watery eyes.

Then I remember the last conversation we've had the last time. He said, "Few months ago I had an accident when I and my friends were in the car, from our way back from out of town. We hit something (I forgot), then the car was almost flew, cracked everywhere, no one died, all passengers were injured, but I was the worst one. I was in comma for quite some times. I clearly remember the time when I opened my eyes and felt myself back in my body (the spirit perhaps?). I felt heavy. I opened my eyes and saw all people wearing whites and the light glared my eyes. I thought I was dead. Then I saw doctor. Then my brother. These are faces I know. And I started to feel my skin. Oh, maybe that's how the feeling when one dies!", he said in awe.

I clearly remembered his countenance when he talked about it, and how we joked when I said that means you were given a second chance to live, to breath. He said yes and he said he was going to fix his life. From the problems he had with the family and everything. And I realised that he died, and this time it was for real. "How was it feel, brother? How was it feel to die?", I whispered. I hoped the pain was not too much for him. I hoped he left in peace. I prayed that he lived peacefully in eternity. Leaving this world and all his problems behind. And meeting God in heaven. Rest in peace my brother, rest in eternal peace...

*In memoriam, our beloved cousin, TF, a people's people, a friend to everyone, from rich to poor, from the popular to the unpopular. Who could blend with almost everyone without border.

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