Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Should have been in December 2010

Yeah, that's when U2 came to have concert in Melbourne. I should have written this in December. I have bought the ticket for 46 dollars, with the expectation that I would have been able to fly to Melbourne to watch the concert in early December. To see U2 in person is one of my bucket list I need to check, -I'd often say to myself.

Then my friend, P, woke me up from the utopia, from the lies I kept telling myself. I've been fooling myself by pretending that I would have got the visa in an instance, that's before I transferred money to P to buy me ticket Jakarta-Melbourne for 1st of December 2010. P asked "Hey, by the way, do you have your visa already? cos I have mine, extended for a year stay". I said, "Nope, but I'll try". I did downloaded the visa form, filled some rows already, with too much expectation. Then P said, the sentence was like lighting crashed upon me, like a bucket of ice cubes pouring on my head, waking me up from my dream (OK, that's lebay:), "Ria, I don't think you'll get the visa within 2 months, in addition to the fact that you've just returned from Oz in August. Remember that your scholarship does not allow that you'll get in to Oz before two years". Oh gosh, I thought I should have known that earlier. But I was too nekat, blinded by my strong wish to watch they sing in person. And he told me the truth I didn't really want to hear. And I was sad. He transferred the money for ticket back to me, and I realised that U2 was not yet within my reach..the bucket list #something has not been ticked, yet. SOmeday maybe..someday I hope....

*PS: I met my friend P the other day. He told me that by accident he shook hand with Bono on their way into the stadium where the concert was took place. When he said that, I felt like a brokenhearted person..Broken heart for remembering the chance that I've missed.. :(

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