Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A funeral and a wedding, the very same morning

Last night I went to attend a consolation service for a distant aunt who passed away one day before. My other aunt rang me yesterday and informed me that, asking if I wanted to go. I recall the late aunt as someone I and Mom once or twice visited when I was in Surabaya. I called Mom to let her know this news and she sounded sad on the line.

She was Mom's distant cousin (two times if I'm not mistaken), but they were so close because they used to live under one roof when they took their college degree in Kupang. Under the same repression if I may say, to me it was almost like slavery because of all those physical chores that they must borne for exchange of the shelter and food. They survived the difficult years though. She's of the same age with Mom. While Mom has reached her 70 last April, she should reach 70 this next July. Sixty nine that's the age her Maker has decided from the beginning for her to stop roaming in this world, to start roaming in another world. I saw the flyer says so, 69, rest in peace.

And this morning, while I called Mom to say that I have passed her condolence to the aunt's son (the only person whose face I recognized last night), she said thanks and said that she's in her sister's house, ready for the wedding ceremony of a cousin. 

At the very same morning, two opposite occasions take place. First, a funeral, and second, a wedding. Look at how life brings different plate for different people/family. Grief and happiness, sorrow and feast. The diametrical events just took place at the very same morning, under this very same old sky.


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