Friday, June 7, 2013

Another weird Dracula dream

I notice that most of my bad dreams happened when I slept over my arm(s), or when it is too cold. I think those were the reasons why I had it last night. But as usual, when I recall the bad dream, I can’t help saying that they’re all somehow the resultant of what I had been through, or watched, or thought.

The building is like a school building. There are two or more ‘classrooms’ in it, like my primary school building, with the wooden triplex doors and high nako windows. It has half cemented floor, holes here and there, but clean and well moped. Sunshine outside lightened the rooms. I forgot to check the sky’s colour.

I saw mbak Y in the other room, had some chit chats with her about..well I think I congratulated her for something. She laughed and said thank you, and after that I said I’d go to the next room, which seems like a classroom of mine. It is exactly next to mbak Y room. I saw my friends there, E, L, B, and some more people, mostly from Y City. They seemed to get prepare for something. Then I suddenly saw T, a good friend from back home. I said hi to her and joking around about how we could meet again here. Some other people came too. They brought something in. It was a cadaver! The body looked like an old man’s, a bit bald and skinny. Eyes closed and looked like other normal dead body I saw in the funerals. He looked so much like mbak Re’s husband, wearing black or grey suites like common men back in my hometown when they die and lied in a coffin like this. I had no feeling when I saw the body, I mean, I did not feel sad or pain. I didn’t have any connection with him I reckoned.

Then I started to hear people talked. Mumbled. That the body was transported from far away. Europe perhaps (I guess, because mbak Re’s husband is a Caucasian and he looked so much like him). Eastern Europe region. To be exact: Transylvania, Romania. Now you must be able to guess what’s the story was all about. Yes, Dracula. Count Dracula. He was Count Dracula.
Now Dracula’s corpse was prepared at the stage. Yes, stage. That was odd because it is a normal classroom without a stage. But let me tell you why. After I was that it’s Dracula, I felt like I must get some fresh air so I asked my friend that I was not comfortable and would get out of the room to get some drinks. I went to a canteen, sort of. I talked to people there that I was not interested to see the Dracula show or whatever it is with the dead body as the centre of attention. But they said I must because it will be different than the show I saw last year (seemed like it’s an annual show, gosh!).

When I got back, the room setting was altered. The building was altered. It became a large single room building.  A kind of auditorium. With rows of chairs and hallways. It’s a mix between cinema and church. Red carpeted and the chairs are set in the setting of curved lines, which centre is the stage. Dracula was there. And I saw that the room was full of people, mumbled and whispered among them. I knew some familiar faces. Ladies. Tante O, M etc, they are my neighbors back home. I guess I even heard choirs sang in the background.

I came in, smiled to those I knew, and looking for a seat. I found one vacant seat near LM. She pssst-ed me to come and sit near her. Apparently, she was eating something. Mango, with bright red chilies and salt. She offered me some, and I said thank you.  

So I sat beside her and started to see what happened in front of the stage. People seemed to be silent. And then……Count Dracula rose from his death and looking around to the crowd. People started to say whoaaaaa…. I was afraid, this was the part of the show that I did not like.  I started to wonder, this scene seems familiar. This was the scene from Nosferatu, a Dracula black and white movie I watched last year in Auditorium TIM with a friend, where Batavia Madrigal Choir sang beautiful compositions. Yes, it’s Nosferatu. But it was worse because it was not a movie. It was a real time show. My goodness, I must run from this creepy reality show! So is started to stand and prepared to walk out of the auditorium. But then I felt my arms were sore. I didn’t feel any blood flow or sensed anything at all. My legs were sore too. And it was cold…my body was getting colder. I said aarghhh….run run run…

And I woke up. And I saw that I slept with my right arm under my body, which stopped the blood flowed, and folded leg, and the aircon was too cold I almost trembled. So there I was.

I typed this while the memory was fresh. It is 6 AM something in the morning and I am typing this post while the visuals are still fresh on my mind. It is a bit unusual that I woke this early. But what else can be more unusual than this dream anyway?

I made myself a cup of mint tea. I needed it badly to calm myself down.

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