Thursday, June 27, 2013

Adios my friend

Again, one shocking news about death. My friend, and ex colleague in my team few years ago, passed away in the morning, 2 days ago. We had been in the same team for over 2 years. A tough 2 years. A friend rang me that morning and I couldn't believe what I just heard.

My friend said he fell to the ground, vomiting blood and passed at the mosque at dawn. They took him home but he could not be saved. He lost his life that dawn. He died at his early forty. Leaving his wife and grown up kids. What a tragic end.

I haven't met him after the team was ruined by the bosses. I had to face all the problems with the management, and this friend of mine, even though he never really show obvious support for my cause, I always knew that he supported me deep inside. I understood fully that he must secure his job. Because he has a wife and three kids to feed at home. Unlike me, who would fight fierce and risking the job, because I have no one to feed. 

He's one of the most sincere person I've ever met. We were a very solid team. Four of us. Five sometimes. Our friendship grew stronger with more pressures from the office. We laughed, we swore, we sang, we screamed together. We ate, we mocked, we learned together. 

Time brought us all to different worlds. I heard news about him, not a really good one. Though I thought it's your choice, the rest of us thought you should have been wiser. But then I guess, that's what  real friends always think about their friend: even though their friend did wrong thing, make a bad decision, waste their time: they still stick with the friend. Forgiveness, understanding, come just as natural as the air flow for good friends.. And that was how we felt about him when he made mistakes..

Despite those..he passed away. We mourned, we cried for his short life in this world... Adios my friend, you will always be remembered...

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