Thursday, June 20, 2013

Of the 6 billion people's problems

There are at least 6 billion people in planet Earth
They with all their problems
I with mine
Despite all our problems
The Earth spins as normal
Rotating the Sun in its oval orbit
It does not miss an inch from the orbit (otherwise we doomed)
Why would my problem be the worst one?
Among the 6 billion people on Earth's problem
Maybe, at worst, mine is No. 5,999,999,999
So there is at least 1 more person whose problem is worse than mine
Or..okay, mine could be No. 6,000,000,000 (the probability is 1:6,000,000,000 -so there's still a chance)
But it's not possible
My life is not under threats
Because life is one's most valuable thing to keep
Then I can't be No. 6,000,000,000
People are at war in many countries (may peace come soon for them), they might die every minute
People might die the day they were born
People might starve and face their death with empty stomach
So I don't even close to No. 4,999,999,999
Then why must I feel pity for me?
More people deserve to be pitied
But not me
My problem can't be the worst one
Because there are 6 billion people on Earth

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