Sunday, June 13, 2010

Curiosity over an indefinite probabilities

What if the history was different? What if life turned up the other way around than the way it has been turned around as we knew?

What if the common knowledge is just one of another ten or hundred possibilities? What if our reality is just one of them?

This evening I listen to several piano pieces from a person I knew from a long long time ago. The person put the pieces on youtube channel. All the person's clips of nature's sights (made with Windows Mediamaker) combined with the piano pieces. They are damn beautiful. This person once in my life, made me a bit obssessed about taking scenic pictures and playing piano.

I recognized some pictures the person once sent me long long time ago. I even recognized some pieces I was also sent some long long time ago. That's a bit hurt. I'd like to put the link here, but I'm afraid that violates copyrights law. I'd rather keeping them in my mind. Let the sound of that piano stays in my mind. It's just another encounter, which became a history now.

If reality does have other alternatives, I would be glad to know in what ways that alternative would have been ended to? I've been so curious about it. The Super Immanent Planner up there must have the reason not to choose that alternative as my alternative. Did He just play a dice over a zillion of possible alternatives ? He must have a better reason for choosing a particular alternative for particular person to experience. His selection, His choice, might have been hurt to those who experience it 'realtime' (the word 'realtime' might have lost its meaning if we take our reality as just one of realities). Nevertheless, as a human who can only experience a three-dimensional world, I'd rather give it up to Him who owns ad experiences multiple dimensions of realities, universe to be exact. Hurt in my perspective, could probably mean a lesson in the Almighty's perspective. I believe...credo in Deum..

One Sunday evening in ERC...

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