Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So listen to the radio...

These are the three most played songs that I remember, and probably will always remember, when I first came to Melbourne:

One Republic: Stop and Stare
Vanessa Amorossi: Perfect
Sara Bareilles: Love Song

Radio, to me, plays a very important role to make sense of a new place. You know, the feeling when you are new to a place, when it's like you just jump off your space craft and land in an alien planet. The first thing that I usually do is tuning my radio to the local radio stations. You'll get the feeling of localities. Of how do local people talk, what are the hot local issues, which songs are favored by the locals, and even knowing the local people's love stories (I don't know why, seems that there must be at least one radio station dedicated for the hopeless sentimental romantic bunch of people in each town or city). Radio provides something that even television cannot provide. The sense of interaction, the sense of real people, not machine, not gas tube, who talk to you, that makes radio will survive this age. I think radio will make its own history, apart from the fact that internet have been so massively intruded people's lives.

Hard to live without radio, the only reason why I eventually decided to buy iPod and not Creative as usual, is because the new Nano series has radio in it. Otherwise, I would have been loyal to Creative.

Caption: iPod taken from:

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