Thursday, June 24, 2010

Meals diversification

These are some of my menus these days:

Breakfast: frittata with bacon and spinach
Lunch: beef ravioli pasta with bolognese and wine sauce (heated with shredded ham) with grated parmesan cheese.
Dinner: Rice + chicken bumbu Bali + gado-gado

Breakfast: Turkish bread + smoked salmon dips
Lunch: Rice + Mongolian lamb + fried mushroom
Dinner: Hawaiian pizza

Sometimes I also had blueberry muffin or apple cinammon muffin and chai latte during tea time if I happened to be in uni.

The other days I've had couscous with spicy lamb, also whole wheat burger filled with roasted chicken, tomato, cheese, mayonaise - or filled with hot Hungarian salami, or mashed potato with gravy beef or casserole.

I love diversity! I love experiments! It's a culinary adventure I defined myself (by the word 'culinary', I don't mean it as an art, 'cos, yeah, those meals could have been cooked with Coles or Laguna instant spices, but then, I don't see any problem with that, why should I? :p).

By having this variety of meals, I guess I have unconsciousnessly prepared to go home, where choices are not much, and rice will be the main staple food. Oh..., probably I can be more creative with lontong, noodles, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cassava or bread. And with huge variety of fishes (which I have never got bored of), the opportunity can always be created. Let's see..

PS: the picture is another modification for the pasta sauce: I added chopped mushrooms into the shredded ham.

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