Monday, June 14, 2010

Do you plan to stay here?

Two similar topics appeared last week, I suddenly recalled.

1. At NAB Coburg counter, when I was about to deposit my cheque.

Q: Do you have any investments?
A: No (smiling)
Q: Do you plan to have any?
A: No, but I don't think so
Q: What do you do here?
A: I'm an international student
Q: Where? (look enthusiast)
A: Melbourne Uni
Q: Oh, great. Do you plan to stay here after your study?
A: No, I don't think so, I should go back to my country after I finish.
Q: When?
A: This August.
Q: Oh, too bad, I see. But do you plan to buy property or a house?
A: Oh, I don't think so, thank you.

My thoughts:
I was really flattered that the amount of money in my bank account has generated these kind of questions! It's a very rare moment in my life :). This was gonna be one of the memorable moment I will keep. My bank account seldom attracting such question :).

2. At the language course. Before the class started, while Franziska was making coffee.

Q: How's your thesis going?
A: Oh well, hard to say. I've gotta submit itnext week. So this week is like...rrrr..hell..
Q: Ooh, I know. My husband's also working on his, and I think he started to lose his hair because of that!
A: Oh, too bad, but I can see why. What he's doing?
Q: He's working on a mathematical formula that is going to be applied to computer software. He's an applied mathematician.
A: Gosh, that sounds scary to me. Now I do really see why (smirking). But I'm pretty sure he will get a good job. His expertise is not so common I suppose.
Q: Do you plan to stay or apply for a permanent residence? 'Cause I and my husband are planning to do so. I hope he will get a good job in uni because of his research. We've been living on a scholarships too, so we've been living almost like poor people here (smiling).
A: No, I can't. My scholarship demands the awardees to return to their home countries and work there for at least 2 years before we can come to Australia again. And, oh, I know about that stipend stuff too (similing). I and my friends usually joked about how our living cost are even lower than the people who live from Centrelink welfare payment here..hehe
Q: Yeah...(laughing)
Then the students came and I must prepare my laptop and the photocopies.

My thoughts:
I don't think Development Studies will be an area of interest of DIMIA, and don't think I'm going to be interested to apply for PR, because then it must be a desk-cubicle type of work. The wage I can stand :), but the boredom, I may not be able to resist.

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